Wednesday, April 2, 2014

How to read Tarot Cards

Reading the cards isn't as hard as people make it out to be. The cards are not bad either, people get afraid because of the death card. They assume that since the card is death, that someone is going to die. That is not right! Don't let the death card scare you or others from tarot; reading the cards is cheaper and quicker than trying to find someone to help you with a problem.
First we're going to start with the Minor Arcana

  • 0 the Fool
    • New beginnings, adventures, pleasure. The moment before the first step is taken.
  • I The Magician
    • Using knowledge, resources, and will to create change in the world. Originality, creativity, skill, will power, self confidence, dexterity, and sleight of hand; grasping the unseen around you &making it become a reality.
  • II The High priestess
    • Wisdom, knowledge, learning, intuition, purity, virtue. something that can only be understood through experience.
  • III The Empress
    • creativity generosity, patience, love, abundance, & creation.
  • IV The Emperor
    • creating order out of chaos authority, leadership, strength, establishing law and order.
  • V The Hierophant
    • Living faith in everyday life.
  • VI The Lovers
    • making a decision that makes your heart glad
  • VII The Chariot
    • the triumph of will in difficult circumstances
  • VIII Strength
    • Calm control and healing that brings strength
  • IX The Hermit
    • retreating from distractions to determine your own truth
  • X The wheel of fortune
    • A random occurrence is at hand
  • XI Justice
    • the consequences of your actions are at hand
  • XII The Hanged Man
    • willing surrender to an experience or situation
  • XIII Death
    • an ending making transformation possible
  • XIV Temperance
    • the right things at the right time in the right place
  • XV The Devil
    • A choice, situation, or action that is contrary to your best interest
  • XVI The Tower
    • an unexpected event that changes everything
  • XVII The Star
    • guidance, serenity, and hope
  • XVIII The Moon
    • A situation of flux and uncertainty, fraught either with deception or revealing of important truth
  • XIX The Sun
    • Clarity that brings joy
  • XX Judgment
    • hearing and heeding the call
  • XXI The World
    • successful completion
Now onto the Major Arcana. This is where things become a little more simple. The major Arcana is set up in a simple two "step" interpretation; the suite of the card and the number/face. I'll cover them in that order.

  • Wands
    • passion activities and projects; fire
  • Cups
    • relations, emotions, & creativity; water
  • Swords
    • Challenges/ problems, thoughts, & intellect; air
  • Pentacles
    • resources, physical things, & the body; earth
  • Ace
    • New beginnings, potential
  • Twos
    • Duality, balance, relationship, choices
  • Threes
    • creativity, birth, growth
  • Fours
    • stability, structure, stagnation
  • Fives
    • conflict, uncertainty, instability, loss, chaos
  • Sixes
    • communication, problem solving, equilibrium
  • Sevens
    • reflection, assessment, evaluation
  • Eights
    • movement, power, progress, speed
  • Nines
    • compromises, compassion, spirituality
  • Tens
    • completion, perfection, end of a cycle
  • Pages
    • youthful, enthusiasm, a message
  • Knights
    • extreme, fast, bold
  • Queens
    • mature, caring, experienced
  • Kings
    • leader, protector, authority
This is a lot of information to process and remember. So, here's a little tip to remember them; get the cards out and make a story based on the picture that demonstrates what the card means. The key thing is that you have to make the story interesting so you will remember it. Have a blessed day everyone

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