Monday, February 26, 2018

Life update

Merry Met friends.

 I honestly don't know how to start this one out. I honestly don't think i have any followers and not quite sure this will be read, especially since I've been inactive for about 4 years. I originally started this Blog for a school project and intended to keep up with it, that only lasted a couple weeks after. I even had posts started/saved for the rest of the holidays, but never got around to finishing them. Recently I found my self remembering this blog and how much fun I had researching about our holidays and what not. I'm hoping that maybe i can get back into this and keep up with it.

 I guess since this really isn't about a certain topic i'll just let you know what's been going on in my life.I graduated high school and was going to go to college for baking and pastry, but due to my father losing his job, we were not going to be able to afford it. At the time i was working at a Dollar General trying to possibly save money to afford college at some point in life. Then one day my brother in law who worked at one of the nicer restaurants in the area called me as i was getting out of work and told me to come up and fill out an application. I head up in my black shirt and jeans that are covered in cardboard pieces just expecting to fill out the app and head home. I get it filled out and hand it to one of the office workers and they tell me to wait right there. they go over and hand it to the head chef who is right there; he looks it over and says that's all he needs to see and takes me down to the kitchen. i get introduced to the owner and the other cooks, and he started to teach me the proper way to hold a knife and cut things. I worked that night as a trail to see if i could do it, a week later I get the call that i got the job. I've been there almost 3 years and I'm now the head salad/dessert maker there. There are days where it's long and stressful and i just want to cry, but I honestly do love my job.In May

 2017 I got married to my husband. There wasn't a wedding due to the fact that we didn't have the money, but we do plan on having one later on. we just needed to make it so that i could take care of the house while he was gone for 4 months (during the entire summer) for a military training. We own our house and its currently under renovation. My brother in law is doing the work but its annoying because he also lives with us and isn't one of the best house guests and isn't great with money. I honestly could go on and on, but I honestly don't think anyone wants to hear about that, haha. Part of the renovation that is already done is the kitchen, that he made just for me, $80,000 worth of renovations, everything is brand new (I'm very spoiled)(this also includes the cost of an edition on the house).

Hm, I think that's about it really. I'm not sure what the next topic will be at the moment. I'm going to try and update the blog once a week, it'll probably be on Sundays due to that being my normal day off (unless there's caterings at work). If there's any special topics you think i should cover, please leave a comment :)

Blessed Be friends and have a wonderful week!

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