Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Ostara March 20th, 2014

Ostara (pronounced Oh-Star-Ah) is considered one of the lesser sabbets for Wiccans. It's celebrated around the spring equinox, this year it is on March 20th; although some people choose to celebrate on it's fixed date (March 25th).  The name Ostara came from Eostre, the Teutonic lunar Goddess. Her symbols are the Bunny (for fertility and because the Ancient ones who worshiped her often saw the image of a rabbit in the full moon) and the egg (representing the cosmic egg of creation). This is where "The Easter bunny" and "Easter eggs" had originated from.

The Role of the rabbit had two possible origins. One tale is that the rabbit so loved his Goddess Eostre that he laid sacred eggs in her honor, then brightly colored them and gave them to her as gifts. Eostre was so delighted, she wanted this joy to be shared by all, so the tradition continued. The second tale tells how Eostre found a wounded bird in the snow. To help the little bird survive the winter, she transformed it into a rabbit, but the transformation was incomplete and the rabbit retained the ability to lays eggs. In thanks for its life being saved, the rabbit took the eggs and decorated them and left them as gifts for Eostre. Again, she was delighted and wanted all to share her joy, so the tradition continued

During Ostara we celebrate the arrival of spring, the renewal of nature, and the coming of the lushness of summer. it's a time when everything is in balance. Now is the time to think about renewing things in our lives as well.

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