Wednesday, February 19, 2014

A Wiccan in highschool

Being a wiccan in High school isn't that easy. As you walk through the halls wearing your pentacle proudly and people ask you what it is
"it's a pentacle"
"What's that?"
"It's the religious symbol for Wicca"
"What's wicca?"
You then have to use the word that everyone will understand "witchcraft". It is one of the easiest ways to tell someone what wicca is, even though it might cause a slight misunderstanding in their head.
I personally find it hard to find time to work on my Book Of Shadows but when I do it's to relax after working on a long essay. I've started working on my BOs a year ago and I've hardly made any progress. Some people would become downcast at the thought of making no progress. The key to continuing on the path of Wicca is to just believe in yourself and know that you are able to do what ever you put your mind too.
The same goes for being a wiccan in high school. Some people will talk bad about you, but you just need to keep your head high and know that everything will turn out alright in the end. Sooner or later the people who looked down on you and called you names will get a pleasant visit from Karma at some point in their life.

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