Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Understanding the Elements

The elements are unpredictable to a lot, but to wiccans they're our life. We will commonly use the elements in spells and protection. We need to learn to feel and see the elements all around us.
Fire represents energy, inspiration, love, passion, leadership. In rituals, Fire is represented in the forms of burning objects, love spells, baking, and lighting candles and fires. Fire is also the element of change. Actually it represents magick itself. Fire is the most physical and spiritual of the Elements.

Water represents emotions, absorption, subconscious, purification, eternal movement, wisdom, the soul, emotional aspects of love and femininity. In rituals, it is represented in the forms of pouring water over objects, brew making, healing spells, ritual bathing, and tossing objects into of water.

Air represents the mind and intelligence, communication, telepathy, psychic powers, inspiration, imagination, ideas, knowledge, dreams and wishes.In rituals, Air is represented in the forms of tossing objects into the wind, aromatherapy, songs, and hiding things in high places. It rules spells involving travels, instruction, freedom, knowledge, discovering lost items, and can also be used to develop psychic faculties. Air also rules the visualization.

Earth represents strength, abundance, stability, prosperity, wealth and femininity. In rituals, Earth is represented in the forms of burying objects in the earth, herbalism, and making images out of wood or stone.

Aether (also called Spirit) is the prime element present in all things, providing space, connection and balance for all Elements to exist. Aether is immaterial unlike the Air, Fire, Water and Earth. Aether is essential to our sense of connectedness with spirit and well-being. Aether represents the sense of joy and union.

Please be careful when working with the elements. Some are very dangerous when not used with precaution.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

A Wiccan in highschool

Being a wiccan in High school isn't that easy. As you walk through the halls wearing your pentacle proudly and people ask you what it is
"it's a pentacle"
"What's that?"
"It's the religious symbol for Wicca"
"What's wicca?"
You then have to use the word that everyone will understand "witchcraft". It is one of the easiest ways to tell someone what wicca is, even though it might cause a slight misunderstanding in their head.
I personally find it hard to find time to work on my Book Of Shadows but when I do it's to relax after working on a long essay. I've started working on my BOs a year ago and I've hardly made any progress. Some people would become downcast at the thought of making no progress. The key to continuing on the path of Wicca is to just believe in yourself and know that you are able to do what ever you put your mind too.
The same goes for being a wiccan in high school. Some people will talk bad about you, but you just need to keep your head high and know that everything will turn out alright in the end. Sooner or later the people who looked down on you and called you names will get a pleasant visit from Karma at some point in their life.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

The Begining of A Wiccan life (Dealing with Misunderstandings)

I've come across a lot of misunderstandings in the past couple of years, these misunderstandings had even led to the ending of my first relationship. I've heard Wicca is devilish magic, it's Satan's work, and so on. It's none of those things. people don't feel the need to properly look things up, instead they generalized Wicca with it's not so nice counter part(Satanism). Then there's the people who take the time to look stuff up, they go to Wikipedia to look up "facts" and then takes those "Facts" and compares them with things that are mentioned in there book of religion.

We do not have green skin, warts, wear dark dresses that match our pointy black hat (unless you like to dress like that). We may consider ourselves witches but not like the ones in the stories we read as children. We do work with spells, chants, and rituals but not to harm others. We follow the three fold rule; what ever you do will come back three fold.

Do not paint us in a bad light, we are all around you. We could be the person you don't know but say hello to every morning on your way to work, the person at the cash register ringing up your stuff, or your best friend since you were a kid. We are here, and we are staying, don't let these misunderstandings turn you away from someone who could be your best friend. Please, treat us like you'd want to be treated and give us a chance to show you who we are, not what people think we are.